Tateyama & Tsurugi / From Bessan to Tsurugigozen-goya


00:20:05reached the Tsurugigozen-goya
Standard Course Time 0:30Actual Time 0:21 70% [ + 0:09 ]

From Bessan to the Tsurugigozen-goya

I continued hiking on the ridge with enjoying seeing diversified clouds. Today’s destination is Tsurugisawa1 that is located in the right side curl. There is a shortcut path according to the map, but I couldn’t find it until the Tsurugigozen-goya2.

  1. 剱沢(つるぎさわ). Tsurugisawa is famous for its snowy gorge(sekkei in Japanese). Tsurugisawa-sekkei is three big snowy gorge in Japan. 
  2. 剱御前小舎(つるぎごぜんごや). “小舎” is the meaning of a hut. When we call a hut in Japanese, there are some variations of expression. "小屋(こや・koya/goya)", "山荘(さんそう・sanso)", "小舎(こや・koya/goya)", "ヒュッテ(ひゅって・hutte)", "宿舎(しゅくしゃ・shukusha)" and so on. They are all same meanings, the place where you can use for accommodation, but I think there is no obvious difference between them. 

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