Tateyama & Tsurugi / From Masago-dake to Bessan


00:02:54a junction to the Kuranosuke-goya
00:29:58a junction to the Tsurugigozen-goya (a detour)
00:46:01reached the summit of Bessan
Standard Course Time 1:00Actual Time 0:45 75% [ + 0:15 ]

From Masago-dake to Bessan

A large curl, Masago-sawa1 curl can be seen while hiking on the ridge from Masago-dake2. There is a detour to the Tsurugigozen-goya, but this detour must be crossed a steep path. So please be careful if you take this route.

On the summit of Bessan3 the great scene of a complete Tsurugi-dake4 can be seen.

  1. 真砂沢(まさごさわ). "沢" is the meaning of a river. In Japanese, most of the river in the city must be "川". "沢" is contained in "川" but "沢" is shorter and/or narrower than "川". There is no absolutely standard. Judging relatively whethere it is "川" or "沢". By the way, Sawa is sometimes used meaning of a watering place when using alone. 
  2. 真砂岳(まさごだけ). One of the mountain which consists of Tateyama peaks. It is famous for its curl, Masago curl to backcountry skiers. 
  3. 別山(べっさん). "別" is the meaning of other of different. One of the Tateyama three mountains(立山三山(たてやまさんざん・Tateyama-sanzan) 
  4. 剱岳(つるぎたけ). "剱" is the meaning of a sword ("剣" is used in general). Tsurugi-dake is one of the most famous mountain as a sanctuary of rocks and snow in Japan. A lot of hikers long for hiking here. 

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