Tateyama & Tsurugi / From Onanji-yama to Masago-dake


00:10:46the base of Fuji-no-oritate
00:15:02reached to the top of Fuji-no-oritate
00:30:17a junction of Kuranosuke curl
00:46:41reached to the summit of Masago-dake
Standard Course Time 0:50Actual Time 0:50100% [ 0:00 = ]

From Onanji-yama to Masago-dake

The path to Masago-dake1 repeats ascent and descent. There is a small peak named Fuji-no-oritate2 looks like a spearhead. It is easy to climb. If it is fine, I recommend you to climb it.

The path after Fuji-no-oritate, go on the broad ridge until Masago-dake.

  1. 真砂岳(まさごだけ). One of the mountain which consists of Tateyama peaks. It is famous for its curl, Masago curl to backcountry skiers. 
  2. 富士の折立(ふじのおりたて). One of the mountain which consists of Tateyama. It is equal to Tsurugi-dake in height. 

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