Tateyama & Tsurugi / From Oyama to Onanji-yama


00:17:16reached the summit of Oonanji-yama
Standard Course Time 0:20Actual Time 0:18 90% [ + 0:02 ]

From Oyama to Onanji-yama

The trail after Oyama1 became calmly again. Continue contouring on a little below of the ridge for about 15 minutes to Onanji-yama2. When I hiked down a little bit, there was out of cloud. Lower place has been fine.

  1. 雄山(おやま). The main peak of Tateyama. But it is not the highest. The highest peak of Tateyama is Onanji-yama(大汝山・おおなんじやま).  
  2. 大汝山(おおなんじやま). One of the mountain which consists of Tateyama. It is the highest peak of Tateyama. 

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