Tateyama & Tsurugi / From Ichinokoshi-sanso to Oyama


00:25:54reached Sannokoshi
00:41:42reached the summit of Oyama
00:43:59around the summit sign of Oyama
Standard Course Time 1:00Actual Time 0:45 75% [ + 0:15 ]

From the Ichinokoshi-sanso to the summit of Oyama

Ascent again to Oyama1 from the Ichinokoshi-sanso2. People who hike up Oyama are not only Hikers but also some tourists without enough equipment. There is a shrine on the summit of Oyama.
Unfortunately the scene from the summit were only cloud. If it were fine, the scene would be great 360 view.

  1. 雄山(おやま). The main peak of Tateyama. But it is not the highest. The highest peak of Tateyama is Onanji-yama(大汝山・おおなんじやま).  
  2. 一の越山荘(いちのこしさんそう). “山荘” is the meaning of a hut. When we call a hut in Japanese, there are some variations of expression. "小屋(こや・koya/goya)", "山荘(さんそう・sanso)", "小舎(こや・koya/goya)", "ヒュッテ(ひゅって・hutte)", "宿舎(しゅくしゃ・shukusha)" and so on. They are all same meanings, the place where you can use for accommodation, but I think there is no obvious difference between them. 

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