Shirouma-dake / To the summit


00:02:31Shakushi-dake, (Hakuba )Yarigatake, Tsurugi-dake, Yarigatake
00:08:03Look down at Dai-Sekkei
00:08:17commands a view of the Sea of Japan
00:10:45Descent to the Hakuba hut
Standard Course Time 0:15Actual Time 0:12 80% [ + 0:03 ]

From the Hakuba hut to the summit of Shirouma-dake

All clouds went down, a sea of clouds appeared. Ascent to the summit of Shirouma-dake1 takes only about 15 minutes. You can see a 360 degree panorama at the summit.

  1. 白馬岳(しろうまだけ). “岳” means mountain. In Japanese, a name of mountains is used “山” or “岳” in general. “山”, which is exemplified by Mt. Fuji(富士山・ふじさん), is used for a single peak mountain and usually it’s gentle rather than steep. “岳”, which is exemplified by Tsurugi-dake(剱岳・つるぎだけ), is used for a peak in a mountain range and usually it’s steep rather than gentle. 

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