Hotaka Peaks / From Kimiko-daira to Okuhotaka-dake


00:35:50Saitei col(the lowest col)
00:35:55Karasawa and Jyounen-dake
01:06:45a chain handrail
01:21:09Gens d'armes
01:31:08reached the summit of Okuhotaka-dake
Standard Course Time 1:50Actual Time 1:33 85% [ + 0:17 ]

From Kimiko-daira to the summit of Okuhotaka-dake

Ascent to Okuhotaka-dake1 from Kimiko-daira2 via Tsuri-one3 after collecting my backpack left at Kimiko-daira. There are not dangerous points but you should be careful to pass people who comes from Okuhotaka-dake because the trail sometimes become narrow.

  1. 紀美子平(きみこだいら). “紀美子” is the name of the person who is the daughter of “Jyutaro” as referred to above. “平” means a flat area. 
  2. 奥穂高岳(おくほたかだけ). “奥” is the meaning of the inner part or the depth. One of the mountain which consists of Hotaka-dake(穂高岳). It is the highest peak in Hotaka-dake and what’s more, it is the highest mountain in Northern Japanese Alps, and the forth highest mountain in Japan. 
  3. 吊尾根(つりおね). “吊” is the meaning of hanging and “尾根” means a ridge. This ridge looks like a suspension bridge so it is called Tsuri-one. 

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