Hotaka Peaks / From Gens d’armes to Okuhotaka-dake


00:17:06descent of Robanomimi
00:28:31ascent of Robanomimi
00:39:21ascent of Umanose
Standard Course Time 1:00Actual Time 0:52 87% [ + 0:08 ]

From Gens d’armes to the summit of Okuhotaka-dake

I returned to Okuhotaka-dake1 via the terrible trail after taking a rest a bit at Gens d’arme2.
I think that the most dangerous point is Umanose3, but you can see holds and route very well in ascent so it must be easier than its descent.

  1. 奥穂高岳(おくほたかだけ). “奥” is the meaning of the inner part or the depth. One of the mountain which consists of Hotaka-dake(穂高岳). It is the highest peak in Hotaka-dake and what’s more, it is the highest mountain in Northern Japanese Alps, and the forth highest mountain in Japan. 
  2. ジャンダルム(じゃんだるむ). Gens d'armes comes from french. It means a military policeman. This peak is in the way to Okuhotaka-dake and it is hard to pass once upon a time, so it became to be called Gens d'armes. Now it’s not hard just pass Gens d’arme. 
  3. 馬の背(うまのせ). It means a horse back. 

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