Tateyama & Tsurugi / From Murodou to Jyoudo-san


00:07:23a junction of Oyama and Jyoudo-san
00:37:35reached the trailhead of Jyoudo-san
01:06:39reached the summit of Jyoudo-san
Standard Course Time 1:18Actual Time 1:10 90% [ + 0:08 ]

From Murodou to the summit of Jyoudo-san

There is a little snow around Murodou1. Winter had started on the mountain. The wind was blowing hard this day. I started to hike to Jyoudo-san2 at a quick pace with hooded.

  1. 室堂(むろどう). Murodou is very famous for the snow corridor. One of the snowiest area in Japan, in the world. 
  2. 浄土山(じょうどさん). "浄土" is the meaning of the Pure Land. One of the Tateyama three mountains(立山三山(たてやまさんざん・Tateyama-sanzan) 

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