Hotaka Peaks / From Kamikochi to Dakesawa hut


01:24:12a ridge of Nishi-hotaka-dake
01:31:06reached the Dakesawa hut
Standard Course Time 0:00Actual Time 0:00100% [ 0:00 = ]

From Kamikochi to the Dakesawa hut

Head for the Dakesawa hut1 from Kamikochi2 where is crowded with a lot of visitors. It becomes quiet after going into the trail. The trail for the Dakesawa hut is easy to walk.

  1. 岳沢小屋(だけさわごや). “小屋” is meaning of hut. When we call hut in Japanese, there are some variations of expression. “小屋”, “山荘”, “小舎”, “ヒュッテ”, “宿舎” and so on. They are all same means the place where you can use for accommodation, but I think there is no obvious difference between them. 
  2. 上高地(かみこうち). One of the most famous scenic spot in Japan. You can go Yarigatake(槍ヶ岳・やりがたけ), Hotaka-dake(穂高岳・ほたかだけ), Kasumisawa-dake(霞沢岳・かすみさわだけ) and so on from there. Not only hikers but a lot of visitors who don’t hike up mountains also come here. Due to my car control, you have to access by bus. 

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