KIta-dake & Shirane-sanzan / From Daimon-sawa descent point to creeping pine area


00:09:10a rope
00:23:02finishied ceeping pine area
Standard Course Time 0:40Actual Time 0:23 58% [ + 0:17 ]

From Daimon-sawa descent point to creeping pine area

A long long descent from Daimon-sawa descent point1 has begun. A long but beautiful ridge walk ends. I started to hike down though I looked back to the deep south of Southern Japanese Alps2.

  1. 大門沢下降点(だいもんさわかこうてん). Daimon-sawa is a river runs along with the trail. "沢" is the meaning of a river. In Japanese, most of the river in the city must be "川". "沢" is contained in "川" but "沢" is shorter and/or narrower than "川". There is no absolutely standard. Judging relatively whethere it is "川" or "沢". By the way, Sawa is sometimes used meaning of a watering place when using alone. 
  2. 南アルプス(みなみあるぷす). "南" means south. Southern Japanese Alps is a mountain range across Yamanashi prefecture, Nagano prefecture and Shizuoka prefecture. also called Akaishi-sanmyaku in Japanese. I have an impression that the mountain belongs to Southern Japanese Alps are bigger than other Japanese Alps. I love Southern Japanese Alps the most. 

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